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All club members must have a Nocturnal Justice uniform which is to be worn when teaming with other club members. Our team uniform is fairly simple. Any type of attire is fine as long as you incorporate our team logo and colors. The uniform should be mostly True Black with White as the secondary. The team logo is the Skull and it can be worn on any costume piece. Remember that we are advocates of street justice and these uniforms represent everything this team is about, so it's important we use them!


All members are expected to be respectful to one another! You are allowed full freedom of speech; however, respect is a big issue in this club. Whether you're dealing with members or not, let's keep our attitudes in check in order to keep a high morale within the group!


Those who participate the most will be rewarded! If you want to move up in the club ranks or become an official, the best way to do that is to participate in club events and team missions. By earning the trust and respect of the club's senior officials, you can earn more responsibility within the team. We also host events which grant the winners cash prizes and other rewards!


Members are expected to remain active! You will be at risk of expulsion from the club if you remain inactive for more than two months without notifying a senior official. Also, officials are expected to do their jobs efficiently. If you've been promoted to a senior official position, then you need to make sure and keep up with your work.